The Scottish Catholic Heritage Collections Trust is a subsidiary trust of the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. 

Established in 1992, it was originally known as the Blairs Museum Trust until 2014 when the name was changed to reflect the more diverse nature of its collections.

The Trust’s purposes are:

To educate the general public using its Collections

To protect its Collections from deterioration and damage

To support other organisations which care for objects similar to those in its Collections

The Collections are conserved, secured, organised and administered according to the best current principles and practice of museum, library and archive management.

The Scottish Catholic Heritage Collections Trust can have up to 15 Trustees, all whom are  appointed by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. The Trustees meet at least twice in any calendar year to administer the Trust’s activities.

The current Trustees of SCHCT are:

Bishop Joseph Toal

Rev Michael Briody

Dr Alison Burke

Professor Gerard Carruthers

Dr Siobhan Convery

Dr Mary McHugh

Professor Stephen McKinney

Mrs Catherine McMaster

Mr Michael McMillan

Professor Elaine Moohan

Rev Bernard Mournian

Ms Adele Redhead